viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011



1.-before opening the cpu

(antes de abrir la CPU)

2.- before closing the windows, keep the information

(antes de cerrar las ventanas, guarda la informacion


1.- after cleaning the screen, it looks better.

(despues de limpiar la pantalla, se ve mejor)

2.- after using the computer, close all windows.

(despues de usar la computadora, cierra todas las ventanas)

In spite

1.- in spite of not knowing how to count, multiply

(apesar de no saber contar, multiplican)


1.- without suppling, the company collapses

(sin abastecer, la compañía se desploma)


1.- On speaking, I believe you

(al habar, te creo)


1.-Besides running, take a break

(Además de correr, tomar un descanso)

viernes, 4 de marzo de 2011

Rules of the Present and Past Progressive

1.- If a verb finishes with the letter "e", this deletes for i latin letter plus "ing",for instance:

Come - coming

Give - Giving

2.- If a verb finishes with double vowel (ee), adds "ing",for instance:

Free – Freeing

See - Seeing

3.- If a verb finishes in "ie" this deletes and adds "yng" ,for instance:

Lie - Lying

Die - Dying

4.- If a verb finishes with different letter ,in some cases ,adds other letter according to its ending,for instance:

Stop - stopping

Run - Running

5.-If a verb finishes with the "L" letter, adds other "L" ,plus "ing", for instance:

steal – stealing

Cancel – Cancelling

Full Name: Lopez Avilez Karlo Alfredo

Speciality: Informatica

Oral source: Guillermo Lara Villafaña, teaches English in the CETis 94

Comment: I think it's important to know the origin of words in present and past progressive.